Hi Juan,
Why don't you do a COPY FROM STDIN? You could import these records
in a few minutes time over the LAN or even the internet. I do 5
million records in less than 3 minutes this way over localhost on a
PowerBook G4 550 MHz.
It's also recommended to drop your indexes while you do such large
inserts/imports. (Create them again afterwards of course.)
> >>> Juan Francisco Diaz <j-diaz@publicar.com> 09/09/2003 23:05:54 >>>
>Hi, have tried by all means to optimize the insertion of data in my db
>it has been impossible.
>Righto now to insert around 300 thou records it takes soemthing like 50
>65 minutes (too long).
>Im using a Mac powerpc g4 533Mhz with 256 RAM.
>I would relly appreciate that the insertion process is done in like 30
>or 35
>minutes TOPS. So far it is impossible.
>My db right now has no FK, no indexes, the insertions is being done in
>(19 thou records).
>Is it possible with my current machine to achieve the level of
>i've metioned?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated, by the way the same insertion
>25 mins in ms sqlserver2000 in a p3 1.4ghz 1gig ram.
>---------------------------(end of
>TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs/FAQ.html
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster